Doge Rules (updated May 5th, 2021)
Only the `Doge-coin` ( code ) knows whether or not you've been good or bad
Hello `Wonderful Anton`!
Welcome to my diatribe on the recent `Doge-coin` ( code ) explosion seen throughout the Crypto universe from December of 2020 through Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) of 2021.
Rule #1
1.) Be kind, generous, and light-hearted
Response: In a knife fight? These `crypto-bosses` that rule the exchanges that `Doge-coin` ( code ) trades upon can trade for their own accounts, too!
For example, if #Gemini and #Robinhood, et al decide the price of a `Doge-coin` ( code ) is "fair", then they'll run it up by the millions of `Doge-coin` ( code ) to the mythical goal of 69 cents USD.
Hey! They just did that!
That's up from a ½ penny just this past Christmas!
And, in the process ...
They'll gladly sell you an ark in the desert.
For when each of the original $1,000 USD `Doge-coin` ( code ) basis becomes a 10-bagger …
That’s when we as a group start purchasing a `Doge-coin` ( code ) equivalent of $100,000 USD!
And, that's a 10-bagger, people!
The same `10-bagger` mythical goal of Fidelity's ancient stock-warrior, Peter Lynch.
And, on occasion, he would achieve that goal ... over a Ten-year period of time!
So, should we all `Hodl` our `Doge-coin` ( code ) today?
Just the Facts Ma'am
The current `Doge-coin` ( code ) explosion has happened over a 4-month period of time.
Oh! The F.O.M.O. of it all ...!
So, how do we as a group react?
Should we all possess within us the dreadful "Fear of Missing Out" on the recent and current `Doge-coin` ( code ) explosion?
Yes. We shall all experience such fear.
Then, should we "buy" `Doge-coin` ( code ) at these elevated price levels?
It depends on which "beast" you wish to feed.
Your `id` or your `super-ego`?
No doubt your `ego` wants to play, doesn't it?
After all, are not we all just mammals like our revered `Pomskies`?
Then, sure ... take a nibble below the market as you watch yourself end up paying a dime more in cost when the `Doge-coin` ( code ) pops further.
Or, just dive in at 69 cents or lower and grab a $100 worth for your grandkids.
Just remember to keep another same dollar figure of $100 cash available sitting on the sidelines in your savings account to purchase another block of $100 worth of `Doge-coin` ( code ) whenever the price dips below 55 cents again.
And, I do mean "below".
The first `crypto portfolio manager` that purchases $100 worth of `Doge-coin` ( code ) at 69 cents USD or better, will almost assuredly see his or her average cost per `Doge-coin` ( code ) plummet along with the price of a `Doge-coin` ( code ) on a day not too far distant out into the future.
If he or she retains the capacity to potentially purchase another $100 USD worth of `Doge-coin` ( code ) at the long-term support level of $0.005 USD or better, then an average cost of approx 35 cents USD will be in order, as follows:
69 cents USD - 0.005 cent USD = 68.995 cents USD/2 = 34.4975 cents USD
Yes. I am forecasting a drop in price of AT LEAST 50% of the current price of `Doge-coin` ( code ) given standard Fibonacci retracement levels.
So, `buy now` … but, only if you have the capacity to also `buy later` at 35 cents per `Doge-coin` ( code ).
Caveat: Always remember that the current long-term support for `Doge-coin` ( code ) rests around a ½ penny USD per `Doge-coin` ( code ). And, at current exchange rates a `Doge-coin` ( code ) at a cost of 69 cents USD is approx equal to 51 rupees.
Doge and Rupees
Given that our American dollar usually correlates to approx 50 - 75 Indian rupees per dollar USD …
That’s about ½ Indian rupee per `Doge-coin` ( code ) at the former base price of approx ½ penny USD.
When you "give" your cash to a Crypto-exchange for the express purpose of buying a set of `Doge-coin` ( code ), you are in effect burying that cash under a maple tree in your backyard for a period of ten years.
That is how long I expect the market will take to absorb the 10-fold increase in the price of `Doge-coin` ( code ) from December 25th, 2020 until May 5th, 2021.
The Issue of Supply
Currently, per Block Chair there are approx 130 billion `Doge-coin` ( code ) issued and outstanding.
Or, more exactly at the time of this writing … 129,461,434,269!
That’s One-hundred Twenty-nine billion, Four-hundred Sixty-one million, Four-hundred Thirty-four thousand, Two-hundred Sixty-nine `Doge-coin` ( code )!
Did I mention the board of `Doge-coin` ( code ) per the original charter also issues a separate 5,000,000,000 ( yeah … that’s another 5 billion `Doge-coin` ( code )) coins every year and year out into the floating supply into the future?
With no cap or limit on the number of years the board can do so?
Hence, my forecast that the overhead supply of persons and entities wishing to cash in their coins for a `10-bagger` equal to $100,000 USD will far exceed the expected retail demand from small investors granting an ability to screw.
That’s a lot of waiter and waitresses to tip `Doge-coin` ( code ) to!
In order to support the demands of both transactions and miners for the underlying `Doge-coin` ( code ) blockchain, the original charter left the supply issue “unfettered”.
May 5th, 2021
Hey! It's Cinco de Mayo!
Time to write a poem, as follows!
A Doge Christmas
“From Christmas to Cinco de Mayo, the `Doge-coin` ( code ) once flew.
Exciting the Crypto-masses, till everyone plunged in.
From Soho to Brighton, the word of `Doge-coin` ( code ) appeared.
And, to the amazement of the original perpetrators, a used Honda became a new Tesla!” ~ Lao Beiji Shong (old Northern bear) aka `Lǎo Bèi Jī Xióng - 老贝姬雄`
“To the Moon, Alice!”
More to come ...
How to become a “patient” investor of Crypto in an ever maddening world!